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🛠️ Working with Node.js Native Addons 🌐🚀 - JavaScript in Plain English
Node.js Native Addons enable developers to overcome performance bottlenecks by writing computationally intensive tasks in C++, combining JavaScript's flexibility with native code's power. The article
provides a comprehensive guide on creating, building, and implementing native addons, along with best practices and real-world applications.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to create and implement Node.js Native Addons from scratch, including step-by-step instructions for setting up the development environment, creating necessary files, and building your first addon.
  • how to boost your Node.js application's performance by up to 100x for computationally intensive tasks through practical examples of implementing C++ native code in areas like cryptography, image processing, and machine learning.
  • best practices for developing Native Addons, including proper error handling, performance benchmarking, and optimal usage of the N-API for ensuring compatibility across different Node.js versions.
  • 4 min readauthor: Priyanshu Rajput
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