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AI Engineer, Web Developeredit pen
Versioning Your Application with Git Semantic Release
Git Semantic Release is an automated versioning system that uses commit messages to determine version updates (major, minor, or patch) following Semantic Versioning principles. It can be implemented u
sing semantic-release or github-tag-action tools, providing automated version management, changelog generation, and release publishing capabilities.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to eliminate manual version management in your projects by implementing automated semantic versioning, which can save significant time and reduce human error in the release process.
  • how to set up and configure popular tools like semantic-release and github-tag-action, with practical code examples and workflows that you can directly implement in your GitHub repositories.
  • how to handle versioning in complex multi-module repositories, with detailed examples of GitHub Actions workflows that can independently version different modules based on their changes.
  • 4 min readauthor: using System;
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