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Using WebAssembly for Extension Development
The article details VS Code's implementation of WebAssembly support, focusing on the Component Model and WASI 0.2 preview integration. It provides practical examples of creating WebAssembly-based VS C
ode extensions, explaining bidirectional communication between TypeScript and WebAssembly code, and introducing resource management concepts.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to integrate WebAssembly components written in Rust or C/C++ into VS Code extensions, with detailed examples of implementing cross-language communication using the WebAssembly Component Model.
  • VS Code's specific implementation of WASI 0.2 preview and the Component Model, including custom tooling (wit2ts) that addresses unique architectural requirements of VS Code extensions.
  • practical techniques for managing state between WebAssembly and TypeScript code using resources, with concrete examples of implementing stateful services like a reverse Polish notation calculator.
  • publisher: Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
    Visual Studio CodeRustWebAssemblywit2tswit-bindgen
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