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AI Engineer, Web Developeredit pen
The Solar Cycle(s): History, Data Analysis and Trend Forecasting
A comprehensive analysis of solar cycles combining historical observations with modern data analysis to predict future solar activity. The study challenges the simplified 11-year cycle concept, presen
ting evidence of complex patterns and using SARIMA and mathematical models to forecast Solar Cycles 25 and 26.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how solar cycle prediction has evolved from ancient Babylonian observations to modern statistical models, with detailed examples of how different civilizations tracked and interpreted solar phenomena over millennia.
  • how to analyze and forecast solar activity using real-world data from NOAA, including practical implementations of SARIMA models and sinusoidal mathematical functions for time series prediction.
  • complex solar cycle patterns beyond the basic 11-year cycle, including the Waldeimer effect, Gleissberg cycle, and Suess-de Vries cycle, which affect solar activity over decades to centuries.
  • 12 min readauthor: Pau Blasco i Roca
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