The article explores new LINQ methods introduced in .NET versions 6 through 9 that significantly reduce boilerplate code and simplify common collection operations. Key additions include Chunk for sub-
collection creation, enhanced Zip for sequence combination, MinBy/MaxBy for extremes, and specialized methods like CountBy and AggregateBy for efficient grouping operations.
Reasons to Read -- Learn:
how to write more concise and performant code by using new LINQ methods that replace complex loops and manual grouping operations with single-line solutions
how to leverage new .NET features like Range support for Take and Index methods that can significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate code in your collection operations
practical implementations of new LINQ methods through detailed code examples that demonstrate both the old and new approaches, helping you modernize your C# codebase
publisher: Anton DevTips | Everything You Need To Become A Better .NET Developer29 -Coding- (Solid)
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