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AI Engineer, Web Developeredit pen
Set up and manage an AI/BI Genie space
A comprehensive guide to setting up and managing Genie spaces, which enable natural language querying of business data through a chat interface. The article covers everything from technical requiremen
ts and permissions to creating, testing, and monitoring these spaces, including advanced features like parameterized queries and visualizations.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to create and configure a Genie space with detailed instructions on setting permissions, adding example SQL queries, and implementing parameterized queries for more consistent and accurate responses
  • how to effectively manage and monitor a Genie space, including how to review user feedback, analyze usage patterns, and iterate on the space based on user interactions and questions marked for review
  • visualization capabilities in Genie spaces, including five supported chart types (Area, Bar, Line, Pie, Scatter) and how to customize these visualizations with different axes, color schemes, and tooltips
  • publisher: Databricks documentation | Databricks on AWS
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