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Service Virtualization Use Cases for Cloud-Native Applications - SD Times
Service virtualization is presented as a crucial technology that complements and supports cloud-native application development across ten key attributes, including microservices testing, continuous de
livery, and API-based interactions. The article demonstrates how service virtualization enables teams to achieve true agility in cloud environments by supporting various testing scenarios, independent lifecycle management, and infrastructure automation.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how service virtualization can enhance your microservices testing strategy, including specific approaches for unit, component, integration, contract, and system testing in cloud-native environments
  • how to implement continuous performance testing and reliability engineering for cloud-native applications, with practical approaches to shift-left testing and validation of service level objectives (SLOs)
  • integrating service virtualization with CI/CD pipelines, including specific techniques for container deployment, API gateway integration, and infrastructure-as-code implementation
  • publisher: SD Times - Software Development Newssearch
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