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Python: Updated Object Oriented Programming and Classes Tutorial
A comprehensive guide to Object-Oriented Programming in Python, covering fundamental concepts from basic class creation to advanced topics like inheritance and polymorphism. The article provides pract
ical code examples and clear explanations of key OOP principles, making it suitable for both beginners and intermediate Python developers.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to implement Object-Oriented Programming concepts in Python, with practical examples of class creation, methods, and constructors that you can immediately apply in your own code.
  • crucial distinction between public and private variables in Python classes, and how to properly implement inheritance using both traditional and super() methods, which will help you write more maintainable code.
  • essential OOP terminology and concepts through clear definitions and examples, helping you understand and communicate about object-oriented design patterns effectively in Python development.
  • publisher: @andrewdass
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