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Nine Pico PIO Wats with MicroPython (Part 1) - Towards Data Science
A comprehensive exploration of Raspberry Pi Pico's PIO subsystem quirks through building a musical instrument, covering four major unexpected behaviors in PIO programming including register limitation
s and hardware interactions. The article provides practical MicroPython code examples while explaining fundamental concepts and limitations of PIO programming.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to effectively program the Raspberry Pi Pico's PIO subsystem, including practical techniques for working around its two-register limitation and 32-instruction constraint while building real applications.
  • how to create efficient, low-level hardware control using MicroPython on the Pico, demonstrated through building a musical instrument that can generate precise tones at 150 million cycles per second.
  • common pitfalls and solutions in PIO programming, including practical insights about hardware integration with components like the HC-SR04+ ultrasonic range finder and strategies for debugging PIO programs.
  • 15 min readauthor: Carl M. Kadie
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