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AI Engineer, Web Developeredit pen
Mastering NestJS: Building an Effective REST API Backend 🚀
A comprehensive guide to building REST API backends using NestJS, covering its modular architecture, core components, and practical implementation details. The article walks through setting up a compl
ete project with validation, database integration, and testing capabilities while highlighting NestJS's TypeScript support and built-in features.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to build a complete REST API backend using NestJS's modular architecture, with step-by-step instructions for creating controllers, services, and DTOs with practical code examples.
  • how to implement proper validation in NestJS using class-validator and class-transformer libraries, including how to set up global validation pipes and create validated DTOs.
  • how to integrate TypeORM with NestJS for database operations, including configuration setup and connection management with PostgreSQL.
  • publisher: @priyanshu011109
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