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Load Balancer Backend Logs and me - Google Cloud - Community - Medium
A comprehensive guide on troubleshooting service issues using GCP Load Balancer logs, covering how to interpret HTTP status codes, filter log entries, and determine error sources between backend servi
ces and load balancer components. The article walks through a practical case study of investigating user-reported errors using Cloud Logging.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to effectively troubleshoot service issues using GCP Load Balancer logs, with practical examples of filtering techniques and log interpretation that can reduce debugging time
  • different types of GCP Load Balancers (both external and internal) and how to distinguish between backend-generated errors and load balancer-specific issues using the statusDetails field
  • practical log filtering techniques in Cloud Logging, including how to create complex queries to isolate specific error types and their sources in a load-balanced environment
  • 6 min readauthor: Hector Hernandez Morales
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