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AI Engineer, Web Developeredit pen
Lo-Fi {Easy} TryHackMe Motion Graphics Writeup | First User To Pwn this Room Edition
Lo-Fi is a beginner-friendly TryHackMe room that teaches Local File Inclusion (LFI) exploitation through a vulnerable web application parameter. Participants learn to use directory traversal to access
sensitive files and ultimately discover a hidden flag file.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to identify and exploit Local File Inclusion vulnerabilities through hands-on practice with a real web application
  • practical system enumeration techniques, including using nmap for port scanning and understanding file system hierarchy in Linux systems
  • how to effectively use directory traversal techniques to access sensitive files like /etc/passwd and locate hidden flags in CTF challenges
  • 4 min readauthor: Sunny Singh Verma [ SuNnY ]
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