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Kubernetes on RHEL 9–A step-by-step guide - weeklycloud - Medium
A detailed step-by-step guide for installing and configuring a Kubernetes cluster on RHEL 9, covering all prerequisites, system configurations, and component installations. The guide includes specific
commands, port configurations, and troubleshooting tips for both control plane and worker nodes.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to properly configure system prerequisites for Kubernetes installation, including specific kernel parameters, SELinux settings, and firewall rules that ensure optimal cluster performance
  • exact port configurations needed for Kubernetes components, with detailed firewall rules for both control plane (ports 6443, 2379-2380, etc.) and worker nodes (ports 10250, 30000-32767, etc.)
  • how to perform a production-grade Kubernetes installation with containerd runtime, including proper configuration of systemd cgroup driver and cluster initialization using kubeadm
  • 6 min readauthor: Jerome Decinco
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