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How to Setup & Deploy Amazon ECS Monitoring Alarms and Dashboard
AWS ECS is a managed container service that simplifies running Docker containers on AWS through either Fargate (serverless) or EC2 (managed) infrastructure. It provides comprehensive monitoring throug
h CloudWatch and supports advanced features like auto-scaling, load balancing, and Container Insights for detailed metrics.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to choose between Fargate and EC2 infrastructure options for your containerized applications, understanding the trade-offs between managed control and ease of use
  • how to set up effective monitoring for ECS using CloudWatch, including specific metrics like RunningTaskCount and EphemeralStorageUtilized with practical alarm thresholds
  • how to implement high availability in ECS using services and tasks, including how to maintain multiple container instances running simultaneously
  • 5 min readauthor: Yann Mulonda
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