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How to Keep Docker Container Running. - Aaradhy Srivastava - Medium
Docker containers automatically exit when their main process completes, as they are designed to run specific tasks and terminate upon completion. The article presents three methods to keep containers
running indefinitely: using 'sleep infinity', 'tail -f /dev/null', or 'cat' commands, which are useful for development and debugging.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • why Docker containers exit immediately after execution and understand the fundamental relationship between a container's lifecycle and its main process (PID 1)
  • three practical, immediately implementable methods for keeping Docker containers running indefinitely, with specific command examples and detailed explanations of how each method works
  • debugging and development techniques for Docker containers, including how to use commands like 'sleep infinity', 'tail -f /dev/null', and 'cat' to maintain container state for troubleshooting
  • publisher: @srivastavaaaradhy02
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