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AI Engineer, Web Developeredit pen
How I Automated My Bluesky Account to Follow Back - Python in Plain English
A developer created an automated system using Bluesky API and Appwrite to automatically follow back new followers within 4 hours. The project showcases practical implementation of API integration, ser
verless functions, and database storage while solving a common social media interaction need.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to build a practical automation system that combines the Bluesky API with Appwrite's serverless functions and database, demonstrated through a real-world social media use case
  • structured development approach that includes testing with Jupyter notebooks, following tutorial resources, and implementing cloud-based solutions using free tools and APIs
  • how to create a complete automated social media interaction system that runs every 4 hours using cron jobs and manages follower relationships through API integration
  • 4 min readauthor: Filip Melka
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