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GitLab Runner Autoscaling with Custom Metrics on GKE
The article provides a comprehensive guide for deploying and configuring autoscaling GitLab runners in Kubernetes using Helm charts and custom metrics. It implements a complete CI/CD automation soluti
on that automatically scales based on GitLab job count through HPA integration with Google Cloud Monitoring.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to implement an automated, scalable CI/CD infrastructure using GitLab runners in Kubernetes, complete with step-by-step deployment instructions
  • how to set up custom metric collection and monitoring for GitLab runners, enabling data-driven autoscaling based on actual job workloads
  • how to integrate GitLab runners with Google Cloud Monitoring and implement Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) for optimal resource utilization
  • 4 min readauthor: Marceau Lm
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