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Getting Started with Ruby on Rails in 2025 - Infosec Matrix - Medium
A comprehensive guide to getting started with Ruby on Rails in 2025, covering everything from environment setup to building basic features using the MVC architecture. The article emphasizes Rails' con
tinued relevance through its rapid development capabilities, modern features like Hotwire, and strong community support.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to set up a complete Ruby on Rails development environment in 2025, including step-by-step instructions for installing Ruby 3.3, Rails 7.x, and PostgreSQL
  • how to build your first Rails application from scratch, including practical experience with scaffolding, database migrations, and creating a functional blog feature with CRUD operations
  • modern Rails development practices in 2025, including using Hotwire for real-time features and understanding the framework's folder structure and MVC architecture
  • 4 min readauthor: Madhu deepak
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