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From Scratch to Automation: Setting Up Jenkins on Ubuntu
The article provides a detailed guide on setting up and using Jenkins, an open-source automation server, for implementing CI/CD pipelines. It covers installation on Ubuntu, integration with Gitea for
source code management, and creation of interdependent pipeline projects, demonstrating practical automation workflows.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to set up a complete CI/CD environment using Jenkins and Gitea, with step-by-step instructions for installation, configuration, and pipeline creation on Ubuntu.
  • how to create and configure two interdependent Jenkins pipelines that automate Docker image pulling, testing, and application deployment, demonstrating real-world automation scenarios.
  • Jenkins' key features and benefits, including its extensive plugin ecosystem with over 1,800 plugins, cross-platform compatibility, and integration capabilities with various development tools.
  • 10 min readauthor: Karam Majdi
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