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Extract malicious payload from Office files with Binary Refinery
The article provides a practical tutorial on using Binary Refinery tool to extract and analyze a malicious payload hidden in an Office document's VBA macros and UserForm text boxes. It demonstrates va
rious Binary Refinery commands and units to examine the document's contents, extract macros, and decode the obfuscated executable payload.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to use Binary Refinery's various units (emit, peek, xtdoc, xtvba) to systematically analyze suspicious Office documents and extract hidden malicious content
  • practical techniques for deobfuscating and extracting malware payloads hidden in Microsoft Office UserForm text boxes using Binary Refinery's carve and pack units
  • how to chain multiple Binary Refinery commands together to perform complex analysis tasks, such as converting encoded decimal numbers into executable files
  • 5 min readauthor: txc
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