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Exploring Kotlin Collections: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples
Kotlin provides powerful collection libraries with both immutable and mutable variants (Lists, Sets, Maps), each offering specialized functionality for different data management needs. The article com
prehensively covers creation methods, basic and advanced operations, and practical use cases for each collection type.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to choose between Kotlin's different collection types (Lists, Sets, and Maps) based on specific use cases, such as when to use Lists for ordered data versus Sets for unique elements
  • extensive built-in methods available in Kotlin collections for performing common operations like filtering, sorting, grouping, and zipping, which can significantly reduce your code complexity
  • practical differences between mutable and read-only collections in Kotlin, helping you write more maintainable and safer code by choosing the appropriate immutability level for your data structures
  • publisher: @i.gauravdubey
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