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AI Engineer, Web Developeredit pen
Event-Driven Architecture with Node.js - Priyanshu Rajput - Medium
The article explores implementing Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) in Node.js, leveraging its built-in EventEmitter and non-blocking I/O model for scalable system design. It covers both basic event han
dling and advanced implementations including custom Pub/Sub systems and microservices integration.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to implement event-driven systems in Node.js using the EventEmitter class, with practical code examples for both basic event handling and custom Pub/Sub system implementation
  • how to integrate message brokers like RabbitMQ into your Node.js applications for building scalable microservices, complete with working code examples using the amqplib library
  • best practices for building event-driven systems, including proper error handling techniques, event flow monitoring, and testing strategies for preventing system crashes
  • author: Priyanshu Rajput
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