Kali Linux is a specialized operating system for ethical hacking and penetration testing, featuring over 600 pre-installed security tools and requiring minimal hardware specifications. It serves as an
essential platform for security professionals, offering capabilities from network analysis to wireless security testing through tools like Aircrack-ng, Nmap, and Wireshark.
Reasons to Read -- Learn:
how to get started with Kali Linux for ethical hacking, including specific system requirements and step-by-step instructions for WiFi security testing using Aircrack-ng
five essential security tools (Aircrack-ng, Nmap, THC Hydra, Nessus, and Wireshark) that come pre-installed with Kali Linux and their specific capabilities in network security testing
legal implications and appropriate use cases of Kali Linux, ensuring you understand how to use this powerful platform ethically and responsibly
publisher: Instructor-Led Online Training with 24X7 Lifetime Support | Edureka
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