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Error “Target class controller does not exist” when using Laravel 8
Laravel 8 changed how controllers are referenced in routes, requiring explicit namespace declarations instead of using automatic default namespaces. The article explains common causes of the 'Target c
lass controller does not exist' error and provides multiple solutions, including using full class names and configuring RouteServiceProvider.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to properly configure controller namespaces in Laravel 8, which will help you avoid and fix the common 'Target class controller does not exist' error that many developers encounter after upgrading
  • four different approaches to solving controller namespace issues in Laravel 8, including using full class names, modifying RouteServiceProvider, handling autoload issues, and implementing invokable controllers
  • best practices for route definitions in Laravel 8, with practical code examples showing both modern and legacy approaches to controller namespace management
  • publisher: @aryanvania03
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