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AI Engineer, Web Developeredit pen
Day 94: Building a Chatbot from Scratch — A Step-by-Step Guide
A comprehensive tutorial on building an AI-powered chatbot from scratch using Python, NLTK, and TensorFlow/Keras. The guide walks through seven detailed steps from environment setup to deployment, inc
luding data preprocessing, model training, and creating response functions.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to build a practical, working chatbot from scratch using popular Python libraries, with clear code examples and explanations for each implementation step.
  • fundamental concepts of natural language processing and deep learning applied to chatbot development, including text preprocessing, intent classification, and response generation.
  • how to structure a chatbot's conversation dataset using JSON format and transform it into training data for a neural network, with specific examples of handling greetings, goodbyes, and help requests.
  • publisher: @bhatadithya54764118
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