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AI Engineer, Web Developeredit pen
BLoC: Simplifying Flutter App Logic - MaliAishwarya - Medium
BLoC is a Flutter design pattern that separates UI (presentation) from business logic by managing state changes through events, similar to how a house's brain controls its rooms. The pattern implement
s this through Event and State classes with a BLoC intermediary, promoting clean architecture and maintainable code.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to structure Flutter applications using the BLoC pattern with a practical counter example implementation, enabling you to write more maintainable and testable code
  • how to separate concerns in Flutter applications by implementing Events and States, allowing you to manage complex application state changes more effectively
  • how to implement a complete BLoC structure using flutter_bloc package, including creating Event classes, State management, and connecting BLoC to UI components
  • publisher: @maliaishu1794
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