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Cloud Engineer, AI Engineer, +9 moreedit pen
A Guide to Time-Series Sensor Data Classification Using UCI HAR Data
A comprehensive guide to building a machine learning pipeline for classifying human activities from sensor data using Data Studio, TSFresh, and scikit-learn. The tutorial covers the complete workflow
from data preparation to model validation using the UCI HAR dataset.

Reasons to Read -- Learn:

  • how to build a complete end-to-end machine learning pipeline for sensor data classification, including practical steps for data preparation, feature extraction, and model validation
  • how to use TSFresh for extracting meaningful features from time-series data, including how to optimize feature selection by reducing from 1152 raw features to 120 significant features
  • how to effectively use the SensiML Data Studio for managing and visualizing time-series data, including techniques for data augmentation using sliding windows to double your training dataset size
  • 8 min readauthor: Chris Knorowski
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